Farrier shoeing a brown horse in a stable

The Noble Farriery

Trim Methodology

Seth Noble has developed and refined our trim methodology spanning 30 years of farriery. With decades of data showing proven results, this standardized approach has proven to restore and maintain hoof soundness for horses of all sizes, breeds, and disciplines by moving each hoof toward optimal proportions and in balance with each other. Carefully measuring and not over-trimming, this method allows the internal structures of the hoof to be supported properly by robust outer structures.

Veterinarians also like our trim because it supports the same principles they learn in vet school. As we continue documenting our measurements and collecting data on each horse, we can show over time that our farriers are able to replicate this trim early in their careers because there isn’t any guessing involved. The hoof tells us everything we need to know if we know how to read the patterns.

Farrier working on horse hoof in workshop

The Trim

& The Shoes

When Seth Noble was working solo, he was well-known not just for his magic when it came to trimming but also his craftsmanship in creating custom shoes from bar-stock. Here in the wet Pacific Northwest where wet hooves wear down too quickly and are prone to infection, shoes are essential protection. Forging skills can be notable, especially to non-farriers who love to watch the process, but there is one very important thing to remember:

The shoe is only there to support and protect the hoof. It is not a substitution for a poor trim. A horse will be better off with a regular keg shoe on a proper trim than with a beautiful shoe on an improper trim.
— Seth Noble

Horses need time to adjust when we make changes to their feet, so we don’t make drastic changes. We gradually bring hooves back into alignment and balance with each other. In addition to protection, proper shoeing protocols can help us achieve better balance for the horse in that cycle while we wait for the hooves to continue to grow and for the horse to get reaccustomed.

See Seth in Action

Check out some of our YouTube content to see and hear Seth explaining some fundamentals of the Noble Farriery Trim Methodology.